Newsletter du 20 mars 2009

Formulaires en anglais

Dans le cadre du Programme Gouvernemental du 4 août 2004, le Gouvernement a prévu d'accorder une priorité à la simplification des formalités administratives. Dans ce contexte de la simplification se rapportant aux formulaires de l'Administration des contributions directes, le Comité national pour la simplification administrative en faveur des entreprises a proposé d'émettre les formulaires suivants en anglais:

Form 500 E Corporate income tax and municipal business tax return for the year 2008
Form 506a E Details of shareholdings referred to in Article 166 L.I.R. – Tax year 2008
Form 510bis E Declaration of the withholding tax on directors’ fees allocated by State, the municipalities, Luxembourg public institutes or public or private collective entities with their registered office or head office in Luxembourg
Form 530 E Corporate income tax and municipal business tax return for the year 2008
Form 800 E Tax credit for investment – Appendix to the 2008 income tax return
Form 805 E Tax credit for the recruitment of unemployed persons – Appendix to the 2008 income tax return
Form 810 E Tax credit for expenses related to further professional education – Appendix to the 2008 income tax return
Form 900 E Withholding tax return on income from capital.

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